The Highest Bio-Available Liquid Supplement on the Market
• Enhance Cellular, Physical and Mental Health
at a Holistic Level
• One-A-Day Convenient Multi-Vitamin
• Re-mineralization of the body with 83 essential minerals, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids
• Increased energy and reduced fatigue
• Greater clarity and focus
• Promotion of cellular regeneration and communication
• Increased electrolytes
All products are GMP compliant, vegan, organic when applicable, gluten free, hypoallergenic, preservative free, non-gmo and made here in the U.S.
Our Standards
• Holistically enhance physical and mental health
• Strengthen, support and charge our electromagnetic bodies
• Super conductive immediate cellular bioavailability
• Quick, efficient cellular delivery
• Always prioritize integrity and efficacy
• Inspired by Ayurveda, backed by science
About Ambaya Gold
Ambaya Gold products empower health through resonance by the use of Fulvic, Humic and Platinum Group
Element proprietary solutions. Their efficient bio-availability, super-conductivity, integrity and efficacy
enhance cellular, physical and mental health at a holistic level.
We’ve been proudly manufacturing high-frequency nutritional supplements inspired by Ayurveda
for over 13 years here locally in Sedona, Arizona.